progress thus far
(back row)
mankato w. led mods
-still got sync mod to work out
-no rush though
-need to fix some bugs in the noise and S&H, ie all the sn chip functions :(
-need some on-on-on switches, hopefully they will solve the issues
dual buchla 291 bp vactrol filter with hp/lp mods and parallel mode mod
-finished but might swap some vactrols in one as it sounds a bit flat
quad buchla 281 vc-ar enevelope function generator
-working :)
(front row)
ken stone wave multiplier w/ grinder vactrol mods and active ring modem (dual real ring mod)
-wave mult works, vactrol mod works on breadboard but not hooked up to grinder yet
-active modem needs parts
-pcbs to be mounted and wired

ken stone analog computer (pulse divider, asr, XOR XNOR, comperator, random pulse from digi noise)
-pcbs filled, needs wiring and mounting
-need black bananas

klee sequencer w/ A-B mod & mfos quantiser
-klee stuff and semi-working while mounted on test panel, needed new cmos chip but fine i think
-quantiser stuffed
-lots of wiring
-need black bananas

quad low pass gates, with AB, CD, ABCD mix outs
-need to wire it up

Once i have wired these up i will move to my vco/lfo bank which includes JH Living Vcos (3 solid vcos with linear detune), 3 x teezer Thru zero maddness module and a dual Tom Wiltshire vc-lfo board built by haxter with the additional 4 basic lfos. Looking forward to actually making noise. hehe. Oh well, i sold my cgs vcos to buy a delay pedal hehe totally my own fault.
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