Sunday, February 22, 2009

buchla and haible

got some more bits rolling after the huge futurlec order arrived
ontop of this i also finished a few modules on the 808pcb and 1/2 populated my mankato vcf

im about to mock up my case for the krautrock phaser
the case will be similar in style to a moogerfooger box
here is the panel design ready to cover some alu

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

box'o'trix case design

here is my revised and completed first draft (click for bigger)
it measures 1.5' high, 4.5' deep, 12.25' long
the power plug will be on the side or i might remove a set of the common ground plugs and put it on the back

i am waiting on a big shipment with almost all of the remaining parts, only a few to go after that so i hope that this box will be completed about the same time as my 808. if all goes well this will be within 3 months.