Thursday, January 2, 2014

vocoder speech in

This section is very similar to JH FS-1 so I used the same values. It seems that everyone else who has completed this section copied the first suggested values using THAT 1510 instead of SSM2019. I had some leftover SSM2019 from building my FS-1.

The values I used are as follows

TONE Pot 50k linear

U2101 = SSM2019
Sp Level Pot - 10k log
Mic Gain Pot - 5k lin however I will get a 5k reverse audio for my panel
R2105 / RG2 = 10r
R2106 / RG1 = link
R2107 / RG0 = nothing (left open)

R2116 / RG3 = 22k (based on advice in e-m thread)
R2136 / RLIM = 6k2 (based on advice in e-m thread)

There was note that the U2101 would become unstable at certain settings and a large capacitor was used in place of RG2 but i didn't have that issue on first test. 

Mods (not yet implemented):
I wish to have an aux input on the synth in. If you read texts on vocoders they suggest that either the synth or vocal input should be prerecorded, only one input should be live. Whether or not this is gospel is up to the critics but i would like the opportunity to insert a line level (or modular level vocal input  - or perhaps a feedback input). I will follow the circuit used in the FS-1 input and send an input into U2102B. I'll document that once I have made some more progress on these sub-modules.

I am happy with the output thus far. The limiter light is coming on when it should ( i think ) the sp out is not distorted so time to move on.

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